a child's hand painting

Craft Pack Collections

We are appealing for donations for craft packs to donate to Mossley food bank for Christmas

We are aiming to create 30 craft packs filled with fun and crafty stationary and activities for young people to enjoy over the festive period.


Items we’re looking for:

-Felt tip pens

-Colourful pencils


-Pencil sharpeners 



– wool & children’s knitting needles

-Coloured card 


We are also looking for donations for creative games to add to the foodbank’s parcels for elder people this winter.


-Deck of cards

-One player board games

-puzzle books

-Crossword books

-Brain teasers


Drop off items at The Vale, Unit 2 Vale Mill, Micklehurst Road, OL5 9JL between Monday-Friday 10am-4pm or at Studio 1 1-3pm on 11th December at the Winter Warmer.

11th December will be our last day for collections.