Stakeholder group

Become a member of our artist stakeholder group

Are you an artist working in and around the Mossley area? Then we’d love to hear from you – whatever your discipline.

Join our stakeholder group, so you can feed into the development and future of The Vale, and we can learn from your insight and input.

Our vision is to create a world class centre for Carnival arts on the edge of the Pennines, providing exceptionally high quality facilities for artists, audiences, young people, and communities from Tameside and beyond. Visitors to this stunning complex will mix with the most dynamic artists and ideas from around the globe, to learn, participate, dream, create, grow, and share.

What is the artist stakeholder group?

We want to make sure that The Vale is valuable, relevant, strategic and important to the network of artists and groups that are based in our local area and work with us regularly. We want to make sure that your voice is heard and that you can have creative input into the project. We want to ensure the spaces and equipment will aid you in your own professional development and work, assisting you to continue to create incredible things, in creative places, with incredible people.

To ensure that our development plans are aligned with the needs and ambitions of our local artists community, we want to connect with you to gather feedback to shape our work.

By signing up to the stakeholder group, you will have the opportunity to attend creative development sessions, have your input in key decisions, and attend special events that are open to the group.

You will be invited to periodic creative stakeholder meetings to discuss developments, current and future plans. These will be a mixture of facilitated discussion sessions and more open planning events where you can bring your own discussions to the agenda. This will also be an opportunity to connect with and learn from other local artists and cultural leaders. You will also have the opportunity to put yourself forward for election and sit on the board of Global Grooves. The board position will enable you to represent the voice of our creative community, contribute to strategy, and vote on key decisions.

What’s the commitment?

We expect the stakeholder group to meet on a quarterly basis for around two hours per session. Should we be successful in securing full funding for the development, then there may be additional meetings and events that you will be invited to.  We don’t expect everyone to be able to make every session, but we are looking for committed and engaged members to join the stakeholder group that are actively involved in the discussions and events. We may also invite you to join smaller ‘stakeholder working groups’ that can develop and discuss solutions for specific challenges or complete focused tasks on behalf of the group.

By becoming a member of the stakeholder group, you will have no legal obligations. If you wish put yourself forward for a non-executive position on the Global Grooves board, you will be provided with a board recruitment pack that will outline all key practical, legal and compulsory obligations.

What’s the sign up criteria?

Anyone of any age can join the stakeholder group, but we are specifically looking for members that fit into one or more of the following attributes:

  • Artists and creatives of any discipline
  • Cultural leaders of groups and organisations
  • Residents of Mossley and Tameside

I’m in! How do I sign up?

Please follow the link below to the sign up form which will allow you to input your details.

We will ask for your general contact information so we can stay in touch, a short biography and headshot (picture) to be published online, and some basic information about your skills, interests and creative drivers. We will also send you a separate anonymous form to collect monitoring information*

We will then be in touch to update you on our plans.

Sign up here!

* Why we collect monitoring information:

Global Grooves works to improve the lives of others through our workshops, events and our visionary arts programmes. We are committed to sharing our art and practice with as many people as possible from as many different backgrounds as possible without discrimination. We need to start anonymously recording and monitoring the social characteristics of the people who we work with, for our selves and our funders (Arts Council England). This includes people on long-term contracts; freelance artists and artisans; volunteers; stakeholder groups; or our board. The main purpose of monitoring is to provide evidence, as part of a range of tools to tackle discrimination and ensure fair treatment in line with The Equality Act 2010, which applies to all public bodies, employers etc. We support the Art’s Council’s Creative Case for Diversity which notes that a diverse workforce is significant factor in promoting and cultivating excellent art for many and monitoring is one way of doing this.