We have been very busy over the last few weeks, designing brochures, organising mail-outs, painting floors, connecting with communities, installing satellite dishes, re-wiring the electrics, testing our tech and refurbishing old theatre seats. Not to mention licensing, stock taking, removing 5 skips of trash and selling out our first two cinema events.
Its been a tremendous team effort with literally hundreds of volunteer hours to make sure that the space is ready for our first set of events and we get the best turn out possible. And all this while we are all managing and delivering the successful arts projects led by the creative industries based at The Vale.
When people come together amazing things can happen, and The Vale project simply proves that fact.
What started off as a tiny ‘side project’ to make sure we could make the most of our large carnival arts space has become a monster – a nice friendly one. From this September Mossley will have its own dedicated community arts resource despite the challenges the creative economy faces today. Community led and self funded through social enterprise.
An amazing achievement.
Over the next few months we will be producing an online resource documenting this journey so other voluntary / community / arts organisations can learn from our challenges and successes and inspire others to build new resources for communities around the UK. All you need is vision, belief and energy then anything is possible.
It has been a fabulous journey and lots of hard work but also lots of play 🙂
Here is a few snaps of what we have been up to and Global Grooves CEO Leon Patel and Director Eraldo Marques testing out the gaming capabilities on the big screen.
More about our gaming programs coming soon.